My Brother Sent Me a Spandex Bikini

  My brother bought me a spandex bikini the other day and sent it to me in the mail. At first I thought it was some kind of practical joke that he was trying to pull over on me since that is something we have down with each other since we were small. As it …

Shopping for a Spandex Bikini

  When it comes time to buy a new spandex bikini, I tend to really throw myself into it with quite a lot of fervor. A lot of my friends simply do not understand my enthusiasm to get into the swing of shopping because they do not actually enjoy shopping in general. It amazes them …

Selecting a New Spandex Bikini

  One of the favorite things that I do each year is to select a new spandex bikini. I know that a lot of guys do not really like to shop even if it is for a hot new swimsuit. So I am probably the odd one out when it comes to something like this. …

Your Summer Wardrobe Featuring a Spandex Bikini

  If you are a man that pays special attention to his seasonal wardrobe, you most likely have a spandex bikini thrown into the mix. In fact, there are many men that consider that particular bikini to be the special feature of their summer wardrobe. Granted, there will need to be many other garments as …