As a normal, hot blooded male; you most likely want to find that perfect swimsuit that will get you plenty of attention when you go to the beach or appear around a crowded swimming pool. The spandex bikini just might be exactly what you need to make you look as hot as any man …
Tag Archives: mens bikini
The Lifespan of a Spandex Bikini
There seems to be a debate when it comes to what the lifespan of a spandex bikini should be or actually is. So far, no one seems to have come up with an answer to this question. To many men, their bikinis made from spandex have lasted them through many swimming seasons and still …
Shopping for a Spandex Bikini
When it comes time to buy a new spandex bikini, I tend to really throw myself into it with quite a lot of fervor. A lot of my friends simply do not understand my enthusiasm to get into the swing of shopping because they do not actually enjoy shopping in general. It amazes them …
My Wife and My Spandex Bikini Gift
My wife just bought me a spandex bikini and I have no idea what I am supposed to do with it. I know its swimwear and all, but I don’t know if I can actually wear something like this out in public. This bikini is so small that I’m not even sure that I …
Selecting a New Spandex Bikini
One of the favorite things that I do each year is to select a new spandex bikini. I know that a lot of guys do not really like to shop even if it is for a hot new swimsuit. So I am probably the odd one out when it comes to something like this. …
The World’s Sexiest Spandex Bikini
I have the world’s sexiest spandex bikini and I can’t even wear it out in public. Okay, it may not be the world’s sexiest, but it is definitely the sexiest in my world; so there! But the fact that I can’t wear it out in public is what really bothers me. I want to …
Looking for a Place to Wear my Spandex Bikini
I have a spandex men’s bikini that I love to wear but I don’t have anywhere to take it where I live. I don’t have a beach anywhere close by and the one time I did take it to the park, I was asked to leave. I don’t think the people where I live …
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My Spandex Bikini Relationship
I have a special spandex bikini that I only wear on certain occasions. You see this is the first men’s bikini that I have ever purchased and the first time I wore it out in public I met my partner. In fact, that bikini is the reason that my partner even came up to …
Blowing off Other People’s Opinions of the Spandex Bikini
I love my spandex bikini although there are a lot of people in this world that don’t understand why I would choose to wear something like this. I think they just don’t like change all that much myself. If they were ever to try something of this nature, they would completely understand why guys …
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Get Attention in a Spandex Bikini
If you are looking for a way of getting all the attention when you are out on the beach, then look no further than a sexy spandex bikini. I know that you might not think that wearing something of this nature is manly for whatever reason, but I can assure you that it is. …